
The Digital Anarchy

We all know the Internet is like a huge octopus, with billions of arms reaching all over the world, making sure we're all connected to each other all of our conscious hours. But who rules over the Internet? Is it even possible to control it even slightly? One of the requirements would be to have the necessary tech, the best hardware and software available. And much of the western world have this tech, but most of them have no influence, other than that of their charisma and opinions. The truth is, whiteout at least a fundamental knowledge of your hardware and software, you are more of a prisoner than a explorer. Sure, we still have the Internet in it's digital form, but that's about it. Though it is a gigantic monster in it's digital form, more options present themselves the more we learn about how it works. This is of course true for life in general, the more you know the greater your options are. If you know how to best lift a rock you can do that, if you know some basic physics, you'll use leverage to move the rock instead. And so on. Simplified: More knowledge leads to more ways of manipulating our surroundings. Back to the Internet then, does the one with most knowledge have the most power in this case? Yes and no. Even if one person with the right knowledge and tools could do lots, a large group of people with the right determination and basic knowledge could most likely do more than him. I believe that the Internet is truly free in this sense, those who decide are the ones that work together in an attempt to accomplish something. Look at Anonymous: An assorted group of different users, who have virtually nothing in common, more than that they frequent the Internet. With some numbers and a bit of leverage people might just be able to move mountains. This is probably what appeals to us as well, the thought that we can actually have some effect in changing things. Since the Internet is a being consisting of information, if enough people decide that one piece of information should be changed, it will change. And it happens almost instantly, in contradiction to modern politics, in which change occurs with time. Usually a lot of it as well. Is there any differences though? Sure, one might argue that politics take longer time because they need to be carefully reviewed, lots of people have to approve of it. But wouldn't the same thing be accomplished online within hours? True, since there are some many different opinions, it might lead some arguing, but since everyone can have their say, isn't the odds just as good that someone comes up with an answer a lot faster than trough normal procedures? But would this be an Anarchy, or a true Democracy? And what's really the difference, when you think about it? As long as people chose to live together, there will never be a true democracy, or an Anarchy for that matter. But the Internet is the closest to it we have so far. Maybe it's just another step in our evolution?

The Electric Brain

We are being of energy and information. We move trough life, absorbing our surroundings, either for nourishment or experience. We are consumers, and for good or bad, we follow our nature.

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