
The Cat Piano by The People's Republic of Animation


Penny Red on a protest about protests

Global Guerrillas have 10 points for informational warfare

io9 about the Hacking at Random camp in the Netherlands. Here's their Wiki.
And another piece about the effects of television on our minds.

Grinding has another reason why the iPhone suck
And yet another one about the VivoArts School for Transgenic Aesthetics

Greg Palast is covering New Orleans. It makes me want to stab people. It's that fucked up.

Here's Orrot, which is a site based on Warren Ellis rotor concept. I wrote 3 pieces for it before it died. Just as well really, only one of them were any good.

Here's a little something about wrecking new houses from the Wall Street Journal.

Carl Sagan on cannabis

Future Perfect on the path to modern slavery in the western world. New site found via Warrenellis.com. Good stuff.

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