It is cold outside today. Cryo is, I think, the Latin term for cold. (Icy cold even. I looked it up.)
Liquid nitrogen is a cryogen it seems. And cryogenics is the study of how low temperatures occur, and how they effect things. Sorta.
And I can say for certain that the temperatures outside makes me feel like my face has fallen off, and my feet are drifting away filled with helium.
Anyway, I decided to post in lack of things to do. Not that I don't have things to do, it's just that I can't seem to do them for some reason.
So, here's a video I found interesting:
Low. Life. from Clayton Cubitt on Vimeo. Found via Warren Ellis. I've also been listening to Larkin Grimm quite a lot. It's fucking brilliant. Kinda like flash-freezing a living flame inside a block of ice. Plus she looks likes she could kick my ass by thinking hard enough about it. But despite impending doom, it is good. It's some sort of intense, slightly erratic combination of sounds and emotions that feels very right. Yeah, enough of that now. Obey, do not question. Etc. End.
Low. Life. from Clayton Cubitt on Vimeo. Found via Warren Ellis. I've also been listening to Larkin Grimm quite a lot. It's fucking brilliant. Kinda like flash-freezing a living flame inside a block of ice. Plus she looks likes she could kick my ass by thinking hard enough about it. But despite impending doom, it is good. It's some sort of intense, slightly erratic combination of sounds and emotions that feels very right. Yeah, enough of that now. Obey, do not question. Etc. End.