After it became apparent that the old President of Iran would stay, parts of the word said that things would stay the way they where before. Namely with relations to most of the world deteriorating more and more.
But with the several thousands strong protests still going strong I'm not so sure. I expressed hope that Iran would manage to overthrow it's dictatorial regime in a post months ago. After all, a majority of the population are young people. Not that young people equals revolutions, but they tend to be the ones that (for good or bad) gets pissed off enough to do something about it first.
Not that a bloody revolution would do much, except get hundreds of protesters killed. Hopefully the protests keep relatively calm, because if things get too out of hand, that's the excuse the government and Ayatollahs need to send in the army and their revolutionary guard.
I don't want to go to bed, but I can't stay up past sunrise today again. Tonight sleep will come bearing dreams of a free Iran.
My thoughts are with you.
(And so is my writing, which will continue tomorrow.)

But with the several thousands strong protests still going strong I'm not so sure. I expressed hope that Iran would manage to overthrow it's dictatorial regime in a post months ago. After all, a majority of the population are young people. Not that young people equals revolutions, but they tend to be the ones that (for good or bad) gets pissed off enough to do something about it first.
Not that a bloody revolution would do much, except get hundreds of protesters killed. Hopefully the protests keep relatively calm, because if things get too out of hand, that's the excuse the government and Ayatollahs need to send in the army and their revolutionary guard.
I don't want to go to bed, but I can't stay up past sunrise today again. Tonight sleep will come bearing dreams of a free Iran.
My thoughts are with you.
(And so is my writing, which will continue tomorrow.)